Well-known comedian and actor Krushna Abhishek quit The Kapil Sharma Show. The new season of India's most popular comedy show is going to start in a few days but the...
Credit: Bigg Boss Regarding the hosting of India's most popular reality show Bigg Boss 16, there were reports that the management has approached Rohit Shetty as Salman Khan's replacement. Speculations...
Bollywood's leading actress Alia Bhatt has decided to change her name. Alia Bhatt recently told the Indian media in an interview that she is going to officially change her name...
Another popular couple in the Pakistan drama industry, Imran Ashraf and Kiran Ashfaq started to get separated. This news came when actress Kiran Ashfaq removed her husband Imran Ashraf's name...
Renowned actress Shahnaz Gul has unfollowed Bollywood superstar and Big Boss host Salman Khan from her social media account. It is being claimed by the Indian media in the reports...
Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor set was completely destroyed by the fire. The regrettable incident took place this afternoon. Although no injuries have been reported, it is clear that a...
After ruling the screens in 2022 with one hit after the other, the talented Junaid Khan will be seen starring in the upcoming Show Case Productions ‘Adan’ alongside Mansha Pasha...
One project affected by delays is Kala Doriya. Sana Javed plays the lead character in the Saima Akram Chaudhry-written drama. But for a variety of reasons, the male leads have...